Meme Advertisement Experts
1 min readMar 18, 2021


Best way to target modern Indians

The rush in the life of millennials, nowadays, is beyond imagination. People don’t have time to stop and speculate about things because of the constant competition and a communal push they face everyday. This makes it tough to make those people listen to us. The variations and adjustment in the advertising department of Marketing also shifted its gravity based on the demand of the hour. From long detailed video adds to a self explanatory meme, advertisement has travelled a long path in the past few decades. These efforts were made to target the modern section of society, following the same trends that they followed and serving them what they expected the Marketing firms to serve. Marque Berry decoded the basic fundamental rule on how to approach the modern society. CETER is the technique used by Marque Berry: Connection on a social level, embracing their intellect, responding to their thoughts, matching ourselves with their ethis and recreation through memes. Asking for five minutes to show them an add might not seem okay to people but embedding our ads into memes and flashing them on a time to time basis on their social media feed won’t be a problem for the modern society. Content is King but engagement is Queen, and the lady rules the house! And this lady is treated with utmost respect by Marque Berry. Engagement with the audience is to blend in with their lifestyle and Marque Berry’s marketing schemes are pretty good at it.

